ΠΩΛΕΙΤΑΙ κατάστημα πολυτελούς κατασκευής στον Προμηθέα. Είναι 200 τ.μ., με μεγάλη τζαμαρία στην πρόσοψη. Είναι εύκολα προσβάσιμο με ορατότητα καθώς διαθέτει μεγάλη ανοιχτωσιά.
What's Nearby?
Gas Stations
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.