Πωλείται στη Ραχιά οικόπεδο 1000 τ.μ. με κτίσμα δύο επιπέδων. Ο ισόγειος χώρος είναι 104 τ.μ. και ο πρώτος όροφος 150 τ.μ. Αποτελείται από σαλόνι, κουζίνα, τρία υπνοδωμάτια και δύο μπάνια. Διαθέτει πισίνα, τζάκι, σάουνα, χώρο για κάβα ποτών, επιδαπέδια θέρμανση και όλες τις ηλεκτρικές συσκευές.
Χαρακτηριστικά Ακινήτου
- Επιδαπέδια Θέρμανση
- Ηλεκτρικές Συσκευές
- Ηλιακός Θερμοσίφωνας
- Κάβα Ποτών
- Πισίνα
- Σάουνα
- Τζάκι
What's Nearby?
Gas Stations
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.
Google Places API is currently unavailable.
You must specify a valid listing location, use street address in the listing title along with city, state & zip/postcode — if not use the optional latitude & longitude field.
- Unfortunately, your request was denied, generally because of lack of an invalid key parameter.